AVMA, heartworm society to meet in Philadelphia

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The American Heartworm Society will hold its triennial meeting concurrent with the AVMA Annual Convention in Philadelphia, July 24-28.

This year, the State of the Heartworm Symposium will be held July 23, 24, and 26 at the Westin Philadelphia Hotel. The symposium will feature presentations by experts on the latest research on heartworm disease, including the findings on treatment and prevention of the disease. The event sponsors are Fort Dodge Animal Health, Heska, Idexx, Pfizer, Merial, Novartis, and Bayer.

"There is a misconception that we as veterinarians know all there is to know about heartworm disease. That is not the case," said Dr. Jorge Guerro, chair of the symposium and adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. "This year's symposium is tailored toward the practicing veterinarian, and includes cutting-edge information on the pathology of heartworm infections, epidemiology, zoonosis, therapy, and chemoprohylaxis."

The sessions on July 23 will focus on pathobiology, epidemiology, and zoonosis. Sessions on July 24 will focus on therapy and chemoprophylaxis for heartworm disease.

The sessions held on July 26 will be open to registered attendees of the AVMA convention. They will be geared toward the current understanding, detection, and treatment of the disease in dogs and cats. All other symposium events require registration with the American Heartworm Society. For more information or to register, visit www.heartwormsociety.org/symposiuminfo.htm, or call (630) 262-1997.

The American Heartworm Society will publish the proceedings of the symposium in a special issue of the journal Veterinary Parasitology.