Discussions may continue between AVMA, AAVSB on educational equivalence tests
On recommendation of AVMA's Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates, the AVMA Executive Board approved developing a joint recommendation with the American Association of Veterinary State Boards Executive Committee to outline a process for continued discussions about the feasibility of developing a single, independent educational equivalence assessment program for graduates of nonaccredited veterinary schools. The recommendation was developed at the March meeting of the ECFVG on the basis of a report from the attorneys for the AVMA and AAVSB indicating that there are no insurmountable legal obstacles to development of an independent program. Currently, the AAVSB operates its Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence, and the AVMA operates its Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates program. Both are designed to assist state veterinary regulatory boards in assessing the educational qualifications of foreign-trained graduates. In most jurisdictions, the educational requirement can be met by graduating from an AVMA-accredited school/college or by earning an ECFVG certificate. Twelve regulatory boards also recognize PAVE. To avoid duplicative efforts and address perceived legal concerns, the AAVSB and AVMA in late 2002 appointed three representatives each from the PAVE Board and the ECFVG to discuss the desirability and feasibility of developing a single program. With Executive Board approval of the March 2004 ECFVG recommendation, discussions will continue, pending concurrence by the AAVSB Executive Committee. | ||