Occupational safety alert available

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A prepublication copy of an alert from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, "Preventing Occupational Exposures to Antineoplastic and other Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings," is available online at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2004-165/.

The document is intended to boost awareness among health care workers, including veterinarians and veterinary technicians, about the risks posed by working with hazardous drugs and to provide them with ways to protect themselves.

Although the document has not yet undergone final editing and formatting for publication, the technical and policy contents are final, according to NIOSH. External experts in health care, academia, government, and industry have reviewed two previous drafts of the alert.

The agency felt the information was urgently needed by the public and made the prepublication copy available, wrote John Howard, MD, director of NIOSH, in the forward.

The document is also available by calling (800) 35-NIOSH (64674) or e-mailing pubstaftatcdc [dot] gov (pubstaft[at]cdc[dot]gov).