AAEP seeks research proposals on race day medication
The AAEP has issued a call for proposals to research the efficacy of adjunct bleeder medications used to prevent exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage. The AAEP's Racing Forum has been examining the use of medication in racehorses on race days and identified a need for research on the use of adjunct bleeder medications, aminocaproic acid, and conjugated estrogens. According to the AAEP, the efficacy of the use of those products as adjuncts to furosemide has not been examined. To facilitate that research, the AAEP is seeking research proposals. The AAEP Research Committee will evaluate proposals on the basis of their scientific validity, and whether the research would answer questions about the efficacy of adjunct bleeder medications. There are no time or budget limits on the research, though the AAEP will consider the value per dollar. The committee and AAEP Executive Committee may recruit additional evaluators. The deadline for proposal submission is Oct. 1, 2004. For more information, contact the AAEP office at (859) 233-0147. | ||