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Officers on the road
Hazardous waste, rabies quarantine policies addressed
Accreditation finance standard revised
Board adjusts fees connected to annual convention
Wellness proposals meet with approval
Promoting the benefits of animal research for animals
Pet dental campaign celebrates 10 years
Funding for Washington extern program restored
Board approves two AVMAPAC proposals, refers other to HAC
Human-animal bond projects approved
AVMA to produce annual report
AVMA backs expanded Brakke Study of successful business practices
AVMA endorses AAEP nonracing performance horses position
AVMA funds NCVEI project to enhance practice productivity
AVMA to rejoin PANVET
AVMA supports inclusion of agriculture in national response plan
AVMA joins lobbying efforts to recoup earmarked funding
Animal identification plan given thumbs-up
International movement of exotic wildlife
Guidelines developed for reducing risks from animal contact in public settings - January 1, 2004
Survey to assess infection control practices and zoonotic diseases
Encouraging use of model public health curriculum
Guidelines for companion animal care updated
AVMA opposes declawing exotic, wild cats
Guidance provided for swine tail docking, identification, and castration
Dental surgery position statement approved
Disabled livestock position statement amended
Task force appointed to review pregnant sow housing data
AVMA to ask surgeon general to make a statement
Charge of legislative committee changed
AVMA joins lobbying efforts to recoup earmarked funding
Scoring system prioritizes AVMA response to bills and regulations
AVMA continues support for MUMS, other legislative priorities
President signs bill assisting veterinary graduates with debt load
Listeria in ready-to-eat products shows measurable decline
AVMA supports updated and expanded Brakke study, approves task force on housing of pregnant sows
AVMA sets priorities for 108th Congress