Satellite teleconference will offer practical tools to promote food safety

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Since 1999, the Food and Drug Administration has provided nearly $1.5 million to state and local agencies through the Innovative Food Safety Grants. Developed at the grassroots level, each grant can contribute toward the national effort to promote a safer food supply.

An FDA satellite teleconference, "Innovative Food Safety Grants to State and Local Agencies: A Showcase of the Outcomes," will feature results of the grants from fiscal year 1999 and 2000. The Sept. 26 broadcast will be geared primarily toward enhancing food safety in retail settings.

Viewers will learn about practical, innovative educational tools to promote and enhance safe food practices. It should especially interest state and local regulatory agencies, FDA field offices, food establishments, academia and others interested in food safety education, and those interested in exploring this grant program.

A satellite test will be held from noon to 12:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time, followed by the four-hour teleconference. Viewing the broadcast is free but requires access to a satellite downlink facility. To obtain information about the satellite coordinates, register your location as an open site, or locate an open site near you, go to

Information about the Innovative Food Safety Grants is available at, or by calling (301) 827-6906.