Executive Board authorizes initiatives

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Executive Board chairman, Dr. Jan Bartels

From much-anticipated guidelines to new enterprises, the AVMA Executive Board consented to a number of proposals at its April 5-7 meeting, ever conscious of the fiscal implications. A considerable number of proposals required modest or no direct funding.

The board approved proposals that committed $82,420 from the $200,000 in contingency funds budgeted for 2001. Projects funded from the reserves, or fund balance, required a three-fourths majority vote and came to another $90,000. The two items funded from the reserves were an initial sum to begin production on a major new image/career video ($75,000, about a quarter of the total cost; see page 1702) and financial assistance to help the California VMA defeat regulatory changes proposed by the California Veterinary Medical Board ($15,000; see page 1696).

Projects totaling an additional $43,520 in cost were approved and added to the proposed budget for 2002, which the board accepted and referred to the House of Delegates with a recommendation for approval. That budget provides for $20,550,770 in expenses and $21,192,700 in income, for a projected $641,930 in income over expenses.

The board recommended that the HOD approve the proposed bylaws amendment to increase annual member dues beginning with calendar year 2002 (see page 1694). The proposed budget for 2002 is not, however, based on that eventuality.

Each recommendation reported on the following pages and on pages 1687-1690 underwent careful review by a board reference committee before the full board acted on it.