AVMA maintains high profile through meeting attendance

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The Executive Board authorized AVMA representation at the following meetings.

  • Council on Research member Dr. Thomas D. Little will serve as AVMA liaison to the American Feed Industry Association, which holds a Nutrition Council meeting each November.
  • Six members of the Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents will participate in a one-day meeting of the Working Groups on Adverse Event Reporting and Biologic Labeling, to take place prior to July 2001.
  • House Advisory Committee members and their spouses will participate in the Legislative Contact Visit planned for the Executive Board in Washington, DC, in April 2002.
  • Animal Welfare Committee vice chair, Dr. Sally Walshaw attended the April 29-May 1 National Association for Biomedical Research meeting "At the Crossroads" in Washington, DC. Dr. Walshaw also represented the AVMA at the Institute for Laboratory Research workshop "Regulation of Laboratory Animals—Is it Time to Rethink Policy?" May 21-22 in Washington, DC.
  • Executive Board member Dr. Bonnie V. Beaver, District VIII, and Dr. Gail Golab, assistant director of the AVMA Education and Research Division, will attend the 9th annual International Conference on Human-Animal Interactions, Sept 13-15, 2001 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The abstract Drs. Beaver and Golab submitted for presentation, on the AVMA Model Community Program for Dog Bite Prevention, has been accepted.
  • Michael R. Roop, director of the AVMA Convention and Meeting Planning Division, will travel to Cairo, Egypt to attend the World Veterinary Poultry Association biyearly congress this September. Roop's division will be responsible for managing the congress when the American Association of Avian Pathologists hosts it at the AVMA Annual Convention in Denver in 2003.
  • Executive Board member Dr. Leonard M. Tinney, District IV, will continue to represent the AVMA on the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force.
  • An Executive Board member, Dr. Gregory Hammer, District II, and Dr. Niall B. Finnegan, director of the AVMA Governmental Relations Division, will attend the annual meeting of the National Conferences of State Legislatures, August 13-15 in San Antonio to staff a booth that will inform state legislators on issues of importance to veterinary medicine.