Affiliated groups gather in Salt Lake City
Fifty-six allied and other veterinary-related groups and 27 alumni groups from universities and colleges convened this year at the AVMA's 137th Annual Convention in Salt Lake City, July 22-26. The AVMA encourages and supports such meetings, as they contribute to the diversity of activities available during the Annual Convention.
Over a period of five days, the veterinary groups were involved in many activities, including lectures, certification examinations, business meetings, workshops, and social gatherings. Many of the organizations co-sponsored the AVMA's scientific programs.
The American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners and the American Association of Avian Pathologists are the two major practice species groups that hold their annual meeting during the AVMA Annual Convention.
The activities and honors awarded by many of the organizations are reported on the following pages.
Avian pathologists
Event: American Association of Avian Pathologists meeting, July 22-26
Awards: Special Service Award: Dr. Kenneth Eskelund, Winslow, Maine; C. A. Bottorff Award: Dr. George West, Davis, Calif; Bayer-Snoeyenbos New Investigator Award: Dr. Davis Suarez, Athens, Ga; Pharmacia & Upjohn Award: Dr. David Swayne, Athens, Ga; P. P. Levine Award: Dr. Ken Roland, St Louis, Mo; Pfizer Excellence in Poultry Research: Dr. Aly Fadly, East Lansing, Mich; Reed Rumsey Student Award: Dr. Laura Perkins, Athens, Ga, and Dr. Susan Williams, Lansing, Mich
Officers: Dr. Charles Hofacre, Athens, Ga, president; Dr. John Donahoe, Waterville, Maine, president-elect; Dr. Robert Eckroade, Kennett Square, Pa, secretary-treasurer; Dr. Syed Nagi, Ithaca, NY, Northeast director; Dr. Fred Hoerr, Auburn, Ala, Southern director; Dr. Dan Shaw, St Paul, Minn, Central director; Dr. David Frame, Ephraim, Utah, Western director; Dr. Kenton Kreager, Dallas Center, Iowa, and Dr. Leonard Fussell, Siloam Springs, Ark, directors-at-large; and Dr. Willie Reed, Lansing, Mich, immediate past president
Business: The AAAP board of directors voted to once again support the AVMA Congressional Science Fellowship program with $2,000.
Contact: Dr. Robert J. Eckroade, Secretary-Treasurer, American Association of Avian Pathologists, New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square, PA 19348; phone, (610) 444-4282, fax, (610) 925-8106; e-mail, aaapvet [dot] upenn [dot] edu
Small ruminant practitioners
Event: Annual meeting and board of directors meeting, July 21
Awards: George McConnell Award (also known as the Small Ruminant Veterinarian of the Year): Dr. Cleon V. Kimberling, Fort Collins, Colo, for his contributions to the veterinary profession and advancement of the practice of small ruminant medicine. Dr. Kimberling has represented the small ruminant association on several AVMA councils.
Officers: Dr. David L. McCrystle, Healdsburg, Calif, executive director and AVMA alternate delegate; Dr. Martin C. Warbington, Bend, Ore, president; Dr. Richard W. Stobaeus, Brunswick, Ga, president-elect; and Dr. LaRue W. Johnson, Windsor, Colo, delegate to the AVMA
Business: The association is now 1,080 strong and steadily attracting new members. Still a relatively small organization, the AASRP is nonetheless providing leadership in veterinary medical and management issues affecting small ruminant species. The AASRP passed resolutions supporting the USDA-APHIS position in the Vermont scrapie quarantine (see JAVMA, Aug 15, 2000, page 459) and opposing the prescription and use of aminoglycosides in small ruminants. The association took the first step toward creation of a Web site to post resources and keep AASRP members up to date. It was decided that the association would provide its members with one of the publications from the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (formerly Livestock Conservation Institute). The two organizations have co-sponsored a sheep video that is scheduled for release soon. The AASRP is helping the institute update a quality assurance program.
Contact: Dee Ann Walker, Administrator, American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners, 530 Church St, Ste 700, Nashville, TN 37219; phone, (615) 254-3687
Veterinarians for the environment
Event: Alliance of Veterinarians for the Environment meeting, July 23
Business: The alliance held programs on community team building, terrestrial and aquatic animal health, and upcoming outreach campaigns.
Extension veterinarians
Event: American Association of Extension Veterinarians meeting, July 23
Awards: Extension Veterinarian of the Year: Dr. Kent H. Hoblet, Columbus, Ohio, for outstanding achievement in veterinary extension. Dr. Hoblet is chair of the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine at The Ohio State University. His activities are in dairy cattle lameness, nutrition, and mastitis control. Recognition award: Dr. Dick Wallace, Urbana, Ill, for outstanding service as AAEV president. Dr. Wallace is a dairy extension veterinarian at the University of Illinois.
Officers: Dr. Dianne Hellwig, Fayetteville, Ark, president; Dr. Thomas J. Lane, Gainesville, Fla, president-elect; Dr. David R. Smith, Lincoln, Neb, secretary; Dr. Fred Lehman, Starkville, Miss, treasurer; Dr. W. Dee Whittier, Blacksburg, Va, Northeast region director; and Dr. William Kvasnicka, Reno, Western region director
Business: The AAEV program addressed the role of extension veterinarians during natural disasters.
Contact: Dr. Thomas J. Lane, American Association of Extension Veterinarians, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610-0136; phone, (904) 392-4700, ext 4024; fax, (904) 245-1248; e-mail, tpolo1aol [dot] com
Industrial veterinarians
Event: American Association of Industrial Veterinarians, July 24
Awards: Industrial Veterinarian of the Year: Dr. Norman Stewart, Crystal Lake, Ill, for his outstanding service to the AAIV. Dr. Stewart has served the industry for 17 years, and has also served as treasurer and chair of the Professional and Student Relations committee of the AAIV.
Officers: Dr. Sam Fassig, Bennett, Colo, president; Dr. Nathan Lissant, Springfield, Mo, president-elect; Dr. Lauren Sweet, Chicago, immediate past president; Dr. Brian Huseman, Dallas Center, Iowa, secretary; Dr. Norman Stewart, Crystal Lake, Ill, treasurer; Dr. Thomas Thurber, Roca, Neb, delegate to the AVMA; Dr. Charles Farho, Plainwell, Mich, alternate delegate
Contact: Peggy Miller, Administrative Coordinator, American Association of Industrial Veterinarians, PO Box 488, Oskaloosa, KS 66066-0488; phone, (785) 863-2389; fax, (785) 863-3141; e-mail, aaivruralnet1 [dot] com
Food hygiene veterinarians
Event: American Association of Food Hygiene Veterinarians meeting, July 24
Awards: Food Hygiene Veterinarian of the Year: Dr. Craig Shultz, Benton, Pa, for improved residue sampling in culled cattle. Dr. Shultz is a USDA inspector-in-charge of a cattle slaughter plant. President's Special Recognition: former Montana Sen John Melcher, DVM, Washington, DC, for backing legislation to improve food safety of imported meats. Senator Melcher was a member of both houses of Congress, and is currently a legislative consultant to the AVMA. Special Recognition: Dr. H. Fred Troutt, Urbana, Ill, for his contributions to the Food Animal Production Medicine Consortium program presented in Salt Lake City, which featured speakers from the FDA-CVM, the Animal Health Institute, the USDA, and industry.
Officers: Dr. Lee M. Myers, Atlanta, president; Col Robert G. Hicks, Colonial Heights, Va, president-elect; Dr. Michael G. Groves, Baton Rouge, La, vice president; Dr. Scott W. Brooks, Irvine, Calif, recording secretary; Dr. Joseph L. Blair, Annandale, Va, executive vice president and alternate delegate to the AVMA; Dr. Leon H. Russell Jr, College Station, Texas, immediate past president; Dr. James K. Payne, Tarpon Springs, Fla, delegate to the AVMA; Dr. Daniel E. Lafontaine, Elgin, SC, delegate-elect to the AVMA; Dr. Samuel E. Strahm, Pawhuska, Okla, board member representing the private sector; and Dr. Raymond Hines, Columbia, SC, board member representing the state and local sector
Contact: Dr. Joe Blair, Executive Vice President, American Association of Food Hygiene Veterinarians, 4910 Magdalene Court, Annandale, VA 22003-4363; phone and fax, (703) 323-9327; e-mail, joeblairerols [dot] com
Retired veterinarians
Event: American Association of Retired Veterinarians meeting, July 23
Officers: Dr. Roy Peterson, Tillamook, Ore, president and Western representative; Dr. Walter Martin, Ooltewah, Tenn, vice president; Dr. Arthur Freeman, Indianapolis, secretary; Dr. Roger Batchelder, Cortland, NY, treasurer; Dr. James Rosenberger, Richmond Heights, Ohio, Eastern representative; and Dr. Russell Anthony, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Central representative
Business: Dr. Stanley Held, Buffalo, Minn, presented a 45-minute illustrated account of his veterinary consulting experience in Mongolia in fall 1999.
For the 4th consecutive year the AARV board authorized funds to support veterinary research through contributions to the Morris Animal Foundation, the AAHA Foundation, and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation.
Veterinary parasitologists
Event: American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists meeting, July 22-25
Awards: AAVP Distinguished Veterinary Parasitologist: Dr. Edward L. Robertson, Athens, Ga, for contributions leading to advancements in the field of veterinary parasitology. Dr. Robertson studied the prenatal and lactogenic transmission of parasites in dogs and has contributed numerous reviews and original research on the pharmacology and therapeutic use of anthelmintics in veterinary medicine. AAVP/INTERVET Outstanding Graduate Student: Sheila Abner, East Lansing, Mich, for graduate work on determining the pathogenesis of the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni and on identifying the interaction of this bacterium with the swine whipworm Trichuris suis.
Officers: Dr. Tom Kennedy, Merriam, Kan, president; Dr. Anne Zajac, Blacksburg, Va, president-elect; Dr. Joseph F. Urban Jr, Beltsville, Md, vice president and program chair; Dr. Daniel E. Snyder, Greenfield, Ind, secretary-treasurer; and Dr. Robert S. Rew, Exton, Pa, immediate past president
Business: Symposia were held on computers as tools for veterinary parasitologists, insecticide monitoring of fleas, and efficacy of selamectin and nitenpyram against fleas. The joint AVMA/AAVP symposium was on July 25.
Contact: Dr. Daniel E. Snyder, Secretary-Treasurer, American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, Elanco Animal Health, Mail Drop GL18, PO Box 708, Greenfield, IN 46140; phone, (317) 277-4439; fax, (317) 277-4532; e-mail, snyder_daniel_elilly [dot] com
Veterinary state boards
Event: American Association of Veterinary State Boards, delegate assembly and board sessions, July 22-24
Officers: Dr. J. Wayne Rehn, Clarendon Hills, Ill, president; Dr. James R. Corley, Lafayette, Iowa, president-elect; Dr. Lila Miller, New York, secretary; Dr. J. Lynn Lawhon, Abilene, Texas, treasurer; and directors — Dr. R. Thomas Dunn, Houston, Mo; Ellen O'Connor, Davis, Calif; and Dr. Tom Whitley, Tallahassee, Fla
Business: The role of licensure, examination, and accreditation was the focus of sessions at the delegate assembly. Dr. Richard Hawe, Alexandria, Va, chair-elect of the AVMA Council on Education, explained what the council does and its relationship to the licensure process. Dr. Nancy Collins, Alta Loma, Calif, chair-elect of the National Board Examination Committee, emphasized the importance to the boards of having a valid national examination to ensure competence of licensees. Dr. J. Wayne Rehn related the AAVSB's role of providing services to the state boards. Dr. Corley reported that negotiations among the AAVSB, NBEC, and AVMA had not resulted in the transfer of the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates program. Therefore, the AAVSB proposed a new educational equivalence program to the delegates for consideration. Twenty-seven states supported the program. Accordingly, the AAVSB is proceeding to develop a new educational equivalence program. (Also, see JAVMA, Sept 1, 2000, page 641.)
Dr. Gregg Scoggins, an attorney from Richmond, Va, and past president of the American Veterinary Medical Law Association, reviewed veterinary practice via the Internet. He discussed the implications of which state (if any) has jurisdiction in any given exchange and the need to include language about electronic practice in the various state practice acts. The AAVSB's draft Model Practice Act was previewed.
Charlotte LaCroix, a veterinary legal consultant from New Jersey, discussed animal abuse and how regulatory boards are dealing with it. Drs. Lynn Lawhon, Texas, and Tom Dunn, Missouri, reported on their respective states' response to corporate practice.
Contact: Charlotte P. Ronan, Executive Director, American Association of Veterinary State Boards, 3100 Main St, Ste 208, Kansas City, MO 64111; phone, (816) 931-1504; fax, (816) 931-1604; e-mail, infoaavsb [dot] org; or Web site,
Veterinary toxicologists
Event: American Board of Veterinary Toxicology meeting, July 24
Awards: ABVT Service Award: Dr. Dennis Blodgett, Blacksburg, Va, for his outstanding service as ABVT candidate coordinator.
Officers: Dr. Robert Poppenga, Kennett Square, Pa, president; Dr. Mike Murphy, St Paul, Minn, vice president; Dr. Patricia Talcott, Moscow, Idaho, secretary-treasurer.
Business: The association will be actively involved in developing criteria for certification of individuals from developing countries in toxicology. It will also be expanding its efforts to encourage veterinary students to submit papers relating to veterinary toxicology for the ABVT student paper competition.
Contact: Dr. Patricia Talcott, Secretary-Treasurer, Department of Food Science and Toxicology, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844; phone, (208) 885-7081; fax, (208) 885-8937; e-mail, ptalcottuidaho [dot] edu
Laboratory animal medicine
Event: American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine meeting, July 23
Officers: Dr. Cynthia Gillett, Minneapolis, president; Dr. Lynn Anderson, Rahway, NJ, president-elect; Dr. Diane Gaertner, Bronx, NY, vice president; Dr. Charles Raflo, Houston, secretary-treasurer; and Dr. Margaret Landi, King of Prussia, Pa, immediate past president
New diplomates: Nineteen candidates were granted admission to the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine after they passed the 2000 certifying examination, bringing the active membership in the college to 637. New diplomates are Dr. Beth Bauer, Columbia, Mo; Dr. Edward Briand, AFB Travis, Calif; Dr. Judy Lee Coman, Nutley, NJ; Dr. Suzanne Craig, Houston; Thomas Golding, Chapel Hill, NC; Dr. Kathy Perdue Greenfield, Columbia, Md; Dr. Lisa Halliday, Chicago; Dr. Veronica Jennings, Kenilworth, NJ; Dr. Mary Kennett, Columbia, Mo; Dr. Kathie McCutcheon, Lockport, Manitoba, Canada; Dr. Scott Mickelsen, Topeka, Kan; Dr. Scott Mischler, Essex Junction, Vt; Dr. Christopher Petursson, Syracuse, NY; Dr. Jon Reuter, New Haven, Conn; Dr. Rebecca Schwiebert, Los Angeles; Dr. James Sheets, Ijamsville, Md; Dr. Greg Sykes, West Grove, Md; Dr. Patricia Turner, Burlington, Ontario, Canada; and Dr. Kim Vlach, Frederick, Md.
Contact: Dr. Melvin W. Balk, Executive Director, ACLAM, 96 Chester St, Chester, NH 03036; phone, (603) 887-2467; fax, (603) 887-0096; e-mail, mwbaclamgsinet [dot] net.
Veterinary microbiologists
Event: American College of Veterinary Microbiologists board of governors meeting, July 23
Officers: Dr. Brad W. Fenwick, Manhattan, Kan, chair; Dr. Melissa A. Kennedy, Knoxville, Tenn, vice chair; and newly elected members — Dr. Bruce R. Charlton, Turlock, Calif; Dr. Laurel J. Gershwin, Davis, Calif; Dr. Eileen Thacker, Ames, Iowa; and Dr. David L. Suarez, Athens, Ga
Business: The ACVM sponsored a well-attended convention program on "Challenges to the development of new-generation vaccines — meeting the needs of practitioners, clients, and patients." The college will co-sponsor with the American Association of Veterinary Immunologists a symposium on viral immunobiology at the Nov 12, 2000 meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases in Chicago.
Contact: Dr. Leon N. D. Potgieter, Secretary-Treasurer, American College of Veterinary Microbiologists, University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, PO Box 1071, Knoxville, TN 37901-1071; phone, (865) 974-5576; fax, (865) 974-5640; e-mail, potgieterutk [dot] edu
Poultry veterinarians
Event: American College of Poultry Veterinarians meeting, July 25
Awards: Honorary Diplomate: Dr. Hiram N. Lasher, Millsboro, Del, for his contributions to poultry veterinary medicine since receiving his DVM degree from Cornell University in 1942. Dr. Lasher's career has been dedicated to developing new biologics to meet changing needs of the poultry industry, directing activities in poultry technical services, and counseling vaccine producers worldwide.
Officers: Dr. David Rives, Clinton, NC, president; Dr. David Swayne, Athens, Ga, immediate past president; Dr. Hugo Medina, Modesto, Calif, president-elect; Dr. Sherrill Davison, Kennett Square, Pa, secretary-treasurer; Dr. Robert Eckroade, Kennett Square, Pa, AAAP representative; Dr. Simon Shane, Baton Rouge, La, ABVS representative; and board members — Dr. Louise Dufour-Zavala, Oakwood, Ga; Dr. Joanna Quinn, Raleigh, NC; Dr. James Guy, Raleigh, NC; Dr. Helen Wojinski, Ann Arbor, Mich; Dr. Frederic Hoer, Auburn, Ala; Dr. Dennis Wages, Raleigh, NC; and Dr. Donald Waldrip, Gainesville, Ga
Business: The date for the 2001 board examination was set for July 14 in Boston, and the 2000 Production Focus Health Studies is to be held Oct 17. A title for the ACPV workshop that precedes the Western Poultry Disease Conference in 2001 was decided on — "Nutrition for the 21st century: challenges ahead."
New diplomates: New diplomates introduced at the meeting were Dr. Joel L. Cline, Elba, Ala; Dr. Robert D. Evans, Salisbury, Md; Dr. Oscar Morales, Vineland, NJ; Dr. Ricardo Munoz, Overland Park, Kan; Dr. Lynne Luna, Brandon, Miss; Dr. Stephen Richard Collett, Nicholasville, Ky; Dr. Sherrill Davison, Kennett Square, Pa; and Dr. David Swayne, Athens, Ga.
Contact: Dr. Sherrill Davison, American College of Poultry Veterinarians, 382 West Street Rd, Kennett Square, PA 19348; phone, (610) 444-5800, ext 2255; fax, (610) 925-8106
Veterinary preventive medicine
Event: American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine meeting, July 24
Awards: Helwig-Jennings Award: Dr. Paul L. Barrows, San Antonio; Distinguished Diplomate Award: Dr. Thomas G. Murnane, Fort Worth, Texas; and Frank A. Todd President's Award: Dr. Robin L. Taylor, Langley, Va
Officers: Dr. Niall B. Finnegan, Washington, president; Dr. Paul L. Sundberg, Ames, Iowa, president-elect; Dr. C. Donald Seedle, Allenspark, Colo, secretary-treasurer; Dr. Ronald D. Warner, Shallowater, Texas, councilor; Dr. Stephanie J. Sherman, San Jose, Calif, immediate past president, Dr. Paul L. Barrows, San Antonio, councilor; Dr. David W. Dreesen, Winterville, Ga, councilor, and Dr. Stanley O. Hewins, San Antonio, executive vice president
Business: The association, originally incorporated as the American Board of Veterinary Public Health in Washington, DC, in 1950, celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding with a report of its legacy and a reception.
New Diplomates: Thirteen new diplomates were approved by the ACVPM executive board and welcomed into the college following successful completion of certifying examinations. The new diplomates are Dr. Alice S. Chapman, San Antonio; Dr. Jay David Fuller, Brooks AFB, Texas; Dr. Roger S. Geertsema, Carlsbad, Calif; Dr. Heidi Hamlen, Davis, Calif; Dr. Elizabeth L. Hannah, Middleton, Idaho; Dr. Susan B. Harper, Harpers Ferry, WVa; Dr. Ronald B. Landy, Ellicott City, Md; Dr. Sarah A. Lister, Washington, DC; Dr. Michael McGuill, Jamaica Plain, Mass; Dr. James A. Mullins, Upper Marlboro, Md; Dr. Steven P. Niehoff, Albuquerque, NM; Dr. Marguerite Pappaioanou, Atlanta; and Dr. Charlotte D. Spires, Camp Springs, Md.
Contact: Dr. Stanley O. Hewins, Executive Vice President, American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, 3126 Morning Creek, San Antonio, TX 78247; phone, (800) 374-4944; e-mail, acvpm1flash [dot] net
Veterinary epidemiology
Event: American Veterinary Epidemiology Society meeting, July 25
Awards: Karl F. Meyer/James H. Steele Gold-Headed Cane Award: Dr. Thomas G. Murnane, for his noteworthy career achievements in epidemiology and veterinary public health; Honorary AVES Diploma: Dr. William Rosser, Lubbock, Texas; Dr. Linda Cork, Stanford, Calif; Dr. Fritz Kaferstein, Berlin, Germany; Dr. Alfonso Torres, Washington, DC; Dr. Paul Teufel, Berlin, Germany; and Dr. Bernard Schwetz, Rockville, Md
Business: Dr. Murnane gave a presentation on the advancement of veterinary public health and the role of veterinary epidemiologists.
Contact: Dr. William Perlberg, Secretary-Treasurer, The Hartz Mountain Corporation, 400 Plaza Dr, Secaucus, NJ 07094; phone, (201) 271-4800, ext 7358; fax, (201) 271-0357; e-mail, perlberghartz [dot] com
Society of animal behavior
Event: American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior annual paper and poster session, July 24
Awards: AVSAB Student Award for Excellence in Applied Animal Behavior Research: Stephanie Shanahan (ONT '02) for her paper "Loading stress in the horse: behavioral and physiological measurement of the effectiveness of non-aversive training for horses with trailer loading resistance"
Officers: Dr. Victoria Voith, Dayton, Ohio, president; Dr. Lynn Seibert, Athens, Ga, president-elect; Dr. Steve Feldman, Clinton, Md, secretary-treasurer; Dr. Margaret Duxbury, Amery, Wis, member-at-large; and Dr. Debra Horwitz, St Louis, immediate past president
Business: The society approved a one-year trial new graduate membership fee to encourage new graduates to join the AVSAB and become involved in applied animal behavior.
Contact: Dr. Steven Feldman, Secretary-Treasurer, American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, 9414 Brandywine Rd, Clinton, MD 20735; phone, (301) 868-1180; fax, (301) 868-5436; e-mail, avsabeyahoo [dot] com
Lesbian and gay veterinarians
Event: Lesbian and Gay Veterinary Medical Association meeting, July 23
Awards: LGVMA Annual Achievement: Dr. Stephanie Wong, Atlanta, for founding "Healthy Pets, Healthy People," a project nurtured by the LGVMA and now affiliated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The goal of the project is to provide a resource guide for veterinarians, physicians, and other health care providers when dealing with immunocompromised pet owners. LGVMA Annual Achievement: Dr. W. Timothy Withers, Arlington, Va, for service to the LGVMA as president in 1999-2000 and secretary.
Officers: Dr. Mel E. Vassey, Durham, NC, president; Dr. W. Tim Withers, Arlington, Va, immediate past president; Dr. Joe "Chip" Wells, Washington, DC, treasurer; Dr. E. Elaine Perez, Hatboro, Pa, secretary; and members-at-large — Dr. Craig Callen, Chico, Calif, Dr. Steve Larson, Chicago, and Dr. Michael McElvaine, Washington, DC
Business: The LGVMA amended its student scholarship guidelines, and committed to developing an education project to help veterinarians deal with immunocompromised pet owners.
Contact: Lesbian and Gay Veterinary Medical Association, 2408 Farthing St, Durham, NC 27704; phone (919) 220-2631; e-mail, presidentlgvma [dot] org
Veterinary informatics
Event: Association for Veterinary Informatics business meeting, July 23
Officers: Dr. Eric M. Mills, Blacksburg, Va, president; Dr. Elizabeth Lund, Lake Elmo, Minn, president-elect; and Dr. Paul M. Schmitz, Tulsa, Okla, chair of the education committee
Business: The association created the AVI Scholar's Award to encourage student participation in the informatics association and in the field of informatics. Pet's Choice Inc and VetConnect Systems Inc will award a $750 prize and round-trip airfare for each of the winning proposals for presentations at the 2001 Talbot Symposium, July 15 during the 2001 AVMA Annual Convention in Boston. The winning students will also receive free convention registration from the AVMA and the equivalent of the AVMA Standard Speaker honorarium.
Contact: Dr. Robin M. Starr, Association for Veterinary Informatics, 31575 Griffin Dr, Conifer, CO 80433-9507; phone, (303) 674-3251; fax, (303) 674-9719; e-mail, starrchiearthlink [dot] net
Law association
Event: American Veterinary Medical Law Association meeting, July 22-23
Officers: Douglas C. Jack, Fergus, Ontario, Canada, president; Dr. Duane Flemming, Pleasant Hill, Calif, president-elect; Rachel Rothschild, Madison, Wis, outgoing president; Dr. Ed Liebler, Lansing, Mich, acting executive secretary; and directors — Dr. Charlotte LaCroix, Whitehouse Station, NJ, and Dr. John Scott, Amarillo, Texas
Contact: Dr. Ed Liebler, 2920 W Airport Service Dr, Lansing, MI 48906; phone, (517) 327-6990; fax, (517) 484-9678; e-mail, eliebleraol [dot] com
Christian Veterinary Mission
Event: Christian Veterinary Mission meeting, July 23
Business: Veterinarians who had served in Nepal, Thailand, Laos, and other Asian countries spoke about the mission's influence in several developing countries, and others spoke about their service in southern Ethiopia during a fellowship breakfast. Information was given about new opportunities for service in the United States.
Contact: Dr. Kit Flowers, Executive Director, Christian Veterinary Mission, 19303 Fremont Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133; phone, (206) 546-7226; fax, (206) 546-7269; e-mail, rkfcrista [dot] org; or Web site,
National Board Examination Committee
Event: National Board Examination Committee for Veterinary Medicine meeting, July 25
Awards: National Board Examination Committee Award: Dr. Samuel E. Strahm, Pawhuska, Okla. Dr. Strahm served as a member of the NBEC from 1972-1989, and chaired the committee in 1982 and again in 1986. During his tenure, the committee — formerly known as the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners — was restructured and given new operating guidelines. At that time, the committee adopted new common testing dates and a comprehensive examination blueprint, and uncovered several challenges to the security of the national licensing program. His work on a new clinical simulation examination led to the development of the Clinical Competency Test. Dr. Strahm was AVMA president in 1989-1990.
Officers: Dr. Nancy L. Collins, Alta Loma, Calif, chair; Dr. Norman A. LaFaunce, Turlock, Calif, chair-elect; and Dr. Rodney B. Baker, Alvaton, Ky, immediate past chair
Business: The committee discussed plans for new examinations for graduates of non-accredited schools.
Contact: Dr. John R. Boyce, Executive Director, National Board Examination Committee for Veterinary Medicine, PO Box 1356, Bismarck, ND 58502; phone, (701) 224-0332; fax, (701) 224-0435; e-mail, mailnbec [dot] org
Technician educators
Event: Association of Veterinary Technician Educators meeting, July 23
Business: A session about distance education programs for veterinary technicians was held. A second session looked at the issue of increasing the numbers of credentialed veterinary technicians, and ideas for increasing the use of technicians in veterinary practice.
Contact: Dr. Terry Teeple, Secretary/Treasurer, Association of Veterinary Technician Educators, c/o Pierce College, 9401 Farwest Dr SW, Lakewood, WA 98498; phone, (253) 964-6668; e-mail, tteeplepierce [dot] ctc [dot] edu
Women veterinarians
Event: Association for Women Veterinarians meeting, July 23-25
Awards: Outstanding Woman Veterinarian of the Year: Dr. Lee Myers, Atlanta. Dr. Myers was the veterinarian in charge of the 1996 Summer Olympic Equestrian Games in Atlanta. She was responsible for formulating a program of control measures that enabled horses that tested positive for equine piroplasmosis to compete in selected events without putting piroplasmosis-negative horses at risk.
She headed a committee that has been working on legislation to improve Georgia's animal cruelty laws and draft a new practice act. The Animal Protection Act of 2000 passed May 1, 2000. Dr. Myers is the president of the American Association of Food Hygiene Veterinarians. While the state veterinarian and assistant commissioner of animal industry, she obtained her MPH degree.
Distinguished Service Award: Dr. Patricia Thomson, Lancaster, Pa, was recognized for achievements in the private practice, public health, regulatory, and legislative arenas. A 1960 graduate of the New York College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, she was a member of the practice act task force for Pennsylvania and currently is a member of the State Board of Veterinary Examiners.
AWV Scholarship: Germaine Daye (COL '01), for her essay titled "Giving back to the community." The previous two summers she was a researcher in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Summer Research Program as well as the National Institutes of Health Summer Research Internship Program. AWV Scholarship: Cheri Nielsen (CAL '02), for her research and involvement in outstanding mentoring and volunteer activities. AWV Scholarship: Wendy Ray (COL '02), for pursuing a career in equine medicine and surgery. She graduated with honors from New Mexico State University, accomplishing this while on a college basketball scholarship. AWV Scholarship: Andrea Sangster (IL '02), for involvement in wildlife, zoo, and marine veterinary medicine through an internship and volunteer work. In addition to attending her scheduled classes, Sangster serves on the College and Curriculum Committee. She helped initiate a new chapter of the International Veterinary Students Association, has been involved in exceptional activities, and has shown leadership in school organizations.
Officers: Dr. Chris Stone-Payne, Fremont, Calif, president; Dr. Carol Hogfoss Rubin, Atlanta, immediate past president; Dr. Shirley Johnston, Pomona, Calif, president-elect; Marilyn Waldhalm, Starkville, Miss, executive secretary; Dr. Patty Scharko, Lexington, Ky, treasurer, Dr. Michelle LeBlanc, Gainesville, Fla, Southern director; Dr. Laurie Leach, Encino, Calif, Western director; Dr. Paula Robinson, Farmington, Mo, Central director; Dr. Debra Nickelson, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, Northeast director; Dr. Liz Spangler, Charlottetown, PEI, Canadian director; Dr. Sherrilyn Wainwright, Albuquerque, NM, student scholarship chair and student membership coordinator; Dr. Estelle Hecht Geller, Bayside, NY, charter and retired members chair; Dr. Phyllis Hickney Larson, Ithaca, NY, history committee chair; Dr. Carolyn Reed, Cupertino, Calif, awards chair; Dr. Judy Spurling, Littleton, Colo, office director; Dr. Kathy Smiler, St Albans, Vt, strategic planning chair; and Dr. Carin Smith, Leavenworth, Wash, bulletin editor
Business: Seminar topics included women as veterinarians, gender issues in veterinary medicine, the KPMG LLP economic study, and managing family dynamics in veterinary practices.
Contact: Magnolia Association Management Affiliates, PO Box 2039, Starkville, MS 39760-2039; phone, (662) 312-0893; fax, (662) 323-3280; e-mail, lapanchora [dot] msstate [dot] edu