Book it: donations getting through to those in need

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Donated any good books lately? Whether it's a dog-eared veterinary journal or a tattered textbook, one person's leftovers can turn into another person's library. Even in these days of the Internet, the printed word is still a highly valued commodity. For some, textbooks don't have a shelf life. Donated books and journals often remain the only source of supplementary education in some underdeveloped and former satellite countries.

Donations make a difference

Book drives through JAVMA have been successful in needy areas in Africa, Romania, Cuba, Asia, and Pakistan, to name a few. Dr. George Onet, who collects books and materials for Romania, recently received a note of gratitude from Dr. Horatiu Olaru, president of the Romanian VMA. Dr. Olaru reported that the association received generous donations made by veterinarians and organizations in response to the announcement published in JAVMA, Nov 1, 1999. Books, journals, and other materials were distributed to the Romanian Veterinary Medical Association; the Romanian colleges of veterinary medicine in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, and Timisoara; and to research institutions and private veterinary organizations. "It will certainly help veterinary medical instruction in Romania," Dr. Olaru said.

Exchange books via Web

Another place to facilitate this process is on the Web. The Veterinary Book Exchange at provides a place to exchange publications on exotic animals. They are seeking donors who will send their extra veterinary books, audiocassettes, videocassettes, or other materials pertaining to exotic animals to established libraries, or established animal care or wildlife rehabilitation centers within their own countries or in other nations.

Here is an updated list of groups accepting donated publications.

Bridge to Asia Foreign Trade Services, Pier 23, San Francisco, CA 94111; phone, (415) 356-9041

Cuban Veterinary Scientific Council, Paseo No. 604 entre 25 y 27, Vedado, La Habana 10400, Cuba; phone, 011-537-308064, 011-537-308076, or 011-537-303011; e-mail, scmvcdatinfomed [dot] sld [dot] cu (scmvcd[at]infomed[dot]sld[dot]cu) (attn: Dr. Fermin M. Palazuelos Tuset, secretary)

International Veterinary Educational Assistance (for Latvia), Dr. Kenneth Haas, 2722 Carlyle Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49008; phone, (616) 344-3249

Dr. I. H. Kathio (for Pakistan), Pittston Animal Hospital, 4 O'Connell St, Pittston, PA 18640; phone, (570) 655-2412

National Institute for Discovery Science (for Romania), Dr. George Onet, 1515 E Tropicana Ave, Ste 400, Las Vegas, NV 89119; phone, (702) 798-1700; fax, (702) 798-1970; e-mail, nidsatanv [dot] net (nids[at]anv[dot]net)

Veterinary Books for Africa, Erica van der Westhuizen, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X04, Onderstepoort, 0110, South Africa; phone, 27-012-529-8007; fax, 27-12-529-8302; e-mail, bfafricaatop1 [dot] up [dot] ac [dot] za (bfafrica[at]op1[dot]up[dot]ac[dot]za)