Primate position amended; Internet counseling position referred
On the recommendation of the Committee on the Human-Animal Bond, the AVMA position on Nonhuman Primates as Assistance Animals was amended to state that the AVMA does not support use of nonhuman primates as assistance animals because of animal welfare concerns, the potential for serious injury, and zoonotic risks.
This new language will be inserted in the AVMA Guidelines for Animal-Assisted Activity and Therapy Programs.
The board referred back to the committee a recommendation on Use of the Internet for Pet Loss Counseling so the statement could be integrated into a composite document consisting of an amended version of this statement, the Guidelines for Pet Loss Helplines, and the Guidelines for Pet Loss Support Groups.
A recommendation was approved to send committee vice chair, Dr. James Harris to the Pets Are Wonderful Support Summit, "The Healing Power of the Human-Animal Bond: Lessons Learned from the AIDS Epidemic." The meeting is Oct 20-21 in San Francisco.