Board funds projects, states positions

Member services - regulatory positions - public projects
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Dr. Leonard M. Tinney, 1999-2000 board chairman, and Dr. Jan E. Bartels, vice chairman Drs. Tinney & Bartels

The AVMA Executive Board at its Nov 19-21 meeting made many decisions on behalf of the Association. Dr. Leonard M. Tinney (District IV), Dayton, Ohio, chaired the meeting.

In the realm of member services, the board decided to make the AVMA Network of Animal Health available free of charge to all AVMA members, effective Aug 1, 2000, and authorized creation of a Member Services Committee.

The positions taken by the board ranged from opposing a federal regulation that would essentially include dog-wolf hybrids in vaccination protocols, to supporting USDA funding to modernize the National Animal Disease Center and National Veterinary Services Laboratories. Projects to be funded by the AVMA included a Rapid Response Research Fund, membership in the Minor Use/Minor Species Coalition, and a dog bite segment to air on public television.

Reports of those and other board actions begin on this page and continue through page 167.

Each proposal before the board underwent careful review by Reference Committee A (Budget and Financial Review), Reference Committee B (Council Recommendation and Review), or Reference Committee C (Administrative, Board, and Committee Recommendation Review) before the board acted on it.

Throughout the meeting, new AVMA treasurer, Dr. James F. Peddie, Thousand Oaks, Calif, apprised the board of fiscal considerations and kept a tally of cumulative funding so they could set their priorities. Board members approved $29,750 in expenditures from the remaining monies available in the 1999 contingency fund for such projects.

After the contingency funds were depleted, the board accessed the fund balance (reserves). Allocations from the reserves require a three-fourths vote. The board approved $753,560 from the reserves. Of that amount, $700,000 was the projected maximal cost for acquisition of a new association management system needed for AVMA membership records and other data.