Additional AVMA committee positions available -

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At its November 1999 meeting, the AVMA Executive Board approved the expansion of two existing committees and the establishment of a Member Services Committee. The board actions created additional positions that will be filled in April 2000 (see chart below). Appointees will take office at the end of the annual session of the House of Delegates in July 2000.

Nominations for the new positions as well as the pending vacancies, which were published in the Oct 1, 1999 JAVMA (page 913), should be sent by March 6 to Dr. Arthur V. Tennyson, AVMA assistant executive vice president. Nominations may be made, using the designated form, by local or state veterinary associations, by allied groups represented in the House of Delegates, or by AVMA members on behalf of themselves or another AVMA member.

Forms are available from the AVMA office by calling Kathleen Garner at (800) 248-2862, ext 227. Each nomination must include a one- or two-page curriculum vitae and a statement that the nominee has agreed to serve, if appointed. Only the first two pages of a longer CV will be used.

Committee Term length
Maximal no.
of terms
Professional category of vacancy
Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities 6 1 Veterinary technicians who are not technician educators (two positions)
Convention Management and Program Committee 3 2 Wet Lab Section manager
Member Services Committee 3 2 Honor roll members (two positions)
  3 2 Recent graduates (two positions)
  3 2 Academic veterinary medicine
  3 2 Nonacademic, public sector veterinarian
  3 2 Board-certified specialists
  3 2 Private clinical practice (four positions, including at least one practice owner and one employed practice associate)