Time between ECFVG certification program steps
Candidates enrolled in the ECFVG program on or after January 1, 2015, will be required to complete Step 3 and Step 4 requirements within seven years of completing Step 2 requirements, in order to successfully complete certification requirements. Those candidates who do not complete certification within seven years of completing Step 2 requirements, will be required to start over again at the Step 2 level of the program while maintaining registration in the program. That is, candidates who do not complete certification requirements within the stipulated seven- year period will be required to submit valid scores from English language proficiency exams and successfully complete the BCSE again prior to becoming eligible for the CPE again. Candidates beginning at the Step 2 level again will not be expected to complete Step 1 requirements again as long as registration in the program is maintained.
This seven-year time stipulation between program steps will not affect ECFVG candidates enrolled in the program prior to January 1, 2015.
All candidates working towards completion of certification requirements will be required to maintain registration in the program by paying the required bi-annual fees towards re-registration.