New report informs competitive business strategy and career decisions

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AVMA chart of the month

As the pace of change in veterinary medicine continues accelerating, having access to current, accurate data is increasingly critical to guide veterinary decision-makers. Now available at no cost to AVMA members, the annual AVMA State of the Profession report has been re-envisioned to meet that need.

The 2021 State of the Profession report breaks down AVMA’s most recent economic research into actionable takeaways you can use to build and support your business and career. Easy to read and filled with bite-sized insights, it has a wealth of practical information on business efficiency and productivity, salaries, team wellbeing, and more. 

For example, the report looks at average starting salaries for new veterinarians who graduated in 2020 from a comparative standpoint. Among the findings, shown in today's chart:

  • Private-practice veterinarians had an average starting salary of $92,704, compared with $76,117 in public practice.
  • Starting salaries for new graduates pursuing internships averaged $36,433.
  • Within private practice, companion-animal exclusive veterinarians claimed the highest average starting salary, at $96,824. The lowest  was for veterinarians entering equine practice, at $58,621.
Salary infographic

That’s just one of many areas illustrated in the report, which examines the major trends through the lens of three critical areas:

  • Veterinary education
  • Veterinary employment
  • Veterinary services

The report sells for $125 in the AVMA store, and all AVMA and SAVMA members can download it free of charge as a benefit of your membership. It will help you understand economic trends that are vital for you to be agile, innovate, and plan and prepare for financial success.

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janet a knipper
December 23, 2021 Permalink

women and lower salaries

I am not sure if this is the proper place to comment primarily on the subject of women in veterinary medicine and lower salaries, but here goes. I, as a woman, have found in a few instances, that some of my fellow women sabotage the lower salaries in ways that I have not seen discussed. I have experienced some married women who accept lower salaries as acceptable since they can function well with a second income from a spouse. I also have seen some retired veterinarians who continue to work at lower salaries because they want to but don't need to financially. I am not saying they do this on purpose, or with much awareness, but the point needs to be made that salaries need to be able to support a single person as well as those with dual incomes.

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