It’s easier than ever: Remind clients to Check the Chip

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check the chip

Would you like to encourage microchipping and the happy reunions it makes possible, and also save time managing your practice’s social media? 

AVMA’s got you covered

From sample social media posts and images to videos and much more, AVMA members have exclusive access to a wide range of free tools to celebrate Check the Chip Day, coming up on August 15.

Check the Chip Day is an annual reminder that microchips help lost pets return home – as long as their registration data is up to date. AVMA’s Check the Chip toolkit is full of great materials your practice can use to encourage and help owners to check and update their pets’ chip registrations with the correct contact information.

Here are just a few ways to incorporate these ready-made materials into your client communications, to save you time while you help spread this important message:

  • Copy and paste our pre-written posts for your social media feeds, or use them as inspiration to write your own. Be sure to download the ready-to-go social images, too.
  • Share the Check the Chip infographic with clients in your email newsletter, as well as on social.
  • Help clients keep track of their pet's microchip information with our downloadable flyer.

All of these materials, and more, are available free of charge to AVMA members as benefits of membership. Find them all at, and keep an eye on AVMA’s own social media pages to see sharable stories of happy reunions powered by up-to-date microchips.

Happy celebrating! 

Special thanks to HomeAgain for its support for Check the Chip Day


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