Cannabis resource published for AVMA members

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More tools to come

With many states allowing medicinal marijuana use in humans, and some allowing recreational use as well, it’s important for veterinarians to understand both the legal status of marijuana and the risks it can pose to patients. Cannabis Tools for Client Discussions and Patient Safety

A new document available exclusively to AVMA members provides comprehensive background information that will help you understand the legal aspects of cannabis use in animals; field questions and advise clients who are interested in marijuana therapies for their pets; and identify toxic exposures.

Cannabis: What Veterinarians Need to Know addresses a broad range of important topics, including:

  • The legal status of medicinal marijuana in veterinary medicine
  • How cannabinoids function
  • Marijuana risks to pets
  • Clinical signs and treatment of acute marijuana toxicosis
  • Effects of chronic marijuana exposure

Available on the Cannabis Use and Pets page of our website, the document is the first in a series of cannabis-related materials the AVMA is developing as a resource for our members. Future tools will include information on medicinal marijuana in pets, and educational materials you can share directly with clients.


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