CVTEA accreditation policies and procedures

Last update to this section: January 2024

X. Deficiency & Recommendation Categories


Critical deficiencies apply to situations that clearly result in a program's inability to meet a Standard, and/or subject students, faculty, or others to unacceptable levels of risk. Documentation of significant progress toward compliance with each critical deficiency must be achieved by the time of the program's next regular report to CVTEA. Lack of compliance may be considered cause for change of the program's accreditation status.


Major deficiencies apply to situations that jeopardize the ability of the program to meet a Standard. Progress toward meeting each major deficiency must be demonstrated on an annual basis. Documentation of steps taken toward compliance with major deficiencies is required. Lack of compliance within the assigned five- or six-year period, prior to the next scheduled complete evaluation, may be considered cause for change of the program's accreditation status.


Recommendations are suggestions for program improvement but have no bearing on the program's accreditation status.