AVMA offers CPR to revive veterinary teams

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The AVMA is offering CPR to Revive Your Veterinary Team, a set of free resources for members on developing a strategy for welcoming and training new hires, learning how to give and receive constructive feedback and performance reviews, and conducting successful team meetings.

AVMA CPR brochure covers collage

The 2016-17 class of the AVMA Future Leaders Program developed the resources and presented the project during a three-hour symposium at AVMA Convention 2017 this past July in Indianapolis. The resources are in the form of PDF documents, also available as customizable Word documents.

In the introduction to each document, the members of the Future Leaders Program wrote, "We have developed CPR to Revive Your Veterinary Team to raise awareness and increase interest in deliberately creating a positive veterinary workplace culture."

The resources are as follows:

  • New Hire Training walks through the steps of building a training and onboarding program for new staff. It includes checklist templates to ensure key tasks are performed before a new employee arrives, on his or her first day, and at the six-month or one-year mark.
  • Performance Feedback provides tools to implement a simple but complete feedback system that incorporates best practices. It includes sample forms for employee reviews and self-evaluations, communication tips, and do's and don'ts for formal feedback sessions.
  • Team Meetings is a step-by-step toolkit covering meeting planning, execution, and follow-up. It includes a meeting preparation checklist and sample agenda template.