What is the AVMA? Brochure has the answers

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The AVMA has created a brochure that explains to the public what the AVMA is and all the ways the Association helps promote the health and safety of animals and society.

"What is the AVMA?" lists AVMA resources available to pet owners and educators and refers interested people to the AVMA Web site for information about the Association, animal health, and careers in veterinary medicine.

Designed to be distributed in public venues, the brochure will be valuable as a handout at conferences in which the AVMA participates, such as those hosted by the National FFA Organization and National Science Teachers Association.

AVMA officers and volunteers are welcome to mention the availability of the free brochure to appropriate institutions or venues where take-home information about the AVMA would be of interest to visitors.

Copies of "What is the AVMA?" are available at www.avma.org/about_avma/whoweare/whatisavma.asp.