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Loving Pets Air-Puffed Dog Treats

Recall date

Lot code/Notes

The lot numbers included are:

Loving Pets Barksters™:
- Item #5700 Sweet Potato and Chicken UPC 842982057005 - Lot # 021619
- Item #5705 Brown Rice and Chicken UPC 842982057050 - Lot 021419

Loving Pets Puffsters™ Snack Chips:
- Item #5100 Apple and Chicken UPC 842982051003 - Lot 051219, 112118, 112918, 012719, 012519, 013019
- Item #5110 Banana and Chicken UPC 842982051102 - Lot 112218, 112818, 112918, 013119
- Item #5120 Sweet Potato and Chicken UPC 842982051201 - Lot 112818, 020119
- Item #5130 Cranberry and Chicken UPC 842982051300 - Lot 020319, 112918, 020219

Whole Hearted™:
- Item #2570314 Chicken and Apple Puff Treats UPC 800443220696 Lot 121418, 121918, 122318, 010419, 010619, 010519

UPC code(s): 842982057005, 842982057050, 842982051003, 842982051102, 842982051201, 842982051300, 800443220696
Possible Salmonella risk